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Category: Environmental Page 4 of 53

Counting Straws: Yahey v British Columbia and the Future of Cumulative Effects Management in Canada

By: Martin Olszynski

Case Commented On: Yahey v British Columbia, 2021 BCSC 1287 (CanLII)

PDF Version: Counting Straws: Yahey v British Columbia and the Future of Cumulative Effects Management in Canada

Much has already been written about the British Columbia Supreme Court’s ground-breaking decision in Yahey v British Columbia, 2021 BCSC 1287 (CanLII) (also referred to as Blueberry River First Nation, BRFN, or simply Blueberry throughout). In Yahey, the Court agreed with the BRFN that, in the context of BFRN’s traditional territory in Northeastern British Columbia, “the cumulative effects of industrial development authorized by [British Columbia] have significantly diminished the ability of Blueberry members to exercise their rights to hunt, fish and trap in their territory as part of their way of life and therefore constitute an infringement of their treaty rights” (at para 3). My colleague Professor Robert Hamilton and former UCalgary Law JD student (now alumnus) Nick Ettinger wrote two outstanding blogs on the decision when it first came out: a first post summarized the decision, while a second focused on Yahey’s standard for treaty infringement, i.e., “meaningful diminishment”. They also published a law review article on the decision: Robert Hamilton and Nicholas P. Ettinger, “The Future of Treaty Interpretation in Yahey v British Columbia: Clarification on Cumulative Effects, Common Intentions, and Treaty Infringement,” 2023 54-1 Ottawa L Rev 109. In this (very) belated post spurred on by a presentation that I gave at an environmental law conference last month, I focus on the Court’s findings with respect to British Columbia’s approach to resource development, and specifically its failure to effectively manage the cumulative effects associated with oil and gas and forestry. In my view, and as further set out below, these findings and analysis are relevant to every level of government in Canada: federal, provincial, territorial, Indigenous, and municipal.

Biodiversity Offsets and the Species at Risk Act (Canada)

By: Shaun Fluker

Matter Commented On: Environment and Climate Change Canada Draft Offsetting Policy for Biodiversity

PDF Version: Biodiversity Offsets and the Species at Risk Act (Canada)

The federal government has a laudable objective of ‘no net loss’ for development projects that will harm biodiversity in Canada. For threatened species who will lose habitat because of development, the concept of ‘no net loss’ means either avoidance, mitigation, or offsets. Avoidance of habitat loss (e.g. no project) is rarely seriously considered – and is really nonsensical when a project footprint overlaps with habitat – and efforts aimed at mitigation of adverse effects on threatened species are widely known to be pie-in-the-sky measures with little or no effectiveness (see here).  Thus, a ‘no net loss’ outcome in the context of choosing between development and protecting habitat necessarily means the use of biodiversity offsets. David Poulton has written extensively for ABlawg on the topic of biodiversity offsets and resource development (see e.g. here), and a constant theme in this topic is the legal and policy vacuum on biodiversity offsets. In 2016, the Public Interest Law Clinic submitted comments on a proposed offsets policy under section 73 of the Species at Risk Act, SC 2002, c 29 (Drew Yewchuk and I posted that submission to ABlawg here). Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has recently issued a draft Offsetting Policy for Biodiversity which will replace its 2012 policy, and this post publishes my submission letter giving comments to ECCC on the Offsets Policy as it relates to threatened species, in response to the public engagement which closed on February 17, 2023.

BC Climate Accountability Law is Justiciable (But Weak Climate Plan is Reasonable)

By: David V. Wright

Case Commented On: Sierra Club of British Columbia Foundation v British Columbia (Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy), 2023 BCSC 74

PDF Version: BC Climate Accountability Law is Justiciable (But Weak Climate Plan is Reasonable)

In a judgement released last week, the Supreme Court of British Columbia (BCSC) ruled that requirements to report on progress toward climate change targets under the Climate Change Accountability Act, SBC 2007, c 42 (CCAA) are justiciable. This short post provides context for the decision in Sierra Club of British Columbia Foundation v British Columbia (Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy), 2023 BCSC 74 (Sierra Club), summarizes key points, and reflects on potential implications. Overall, this BCSC judgement is a welcome development in the climate change litigation context where justiciability is typically a live and uncertain issue.

Climate Racism in Canada

By: Anna-Maria Hubert and the students of Law 627: International Environmental Law

Matter commented on: U.N. Human Rights Committee (UNHRC), Views adopted by the Committee under article 5(4) of the Optional Protocol, concerning communication No. 3624/2019 (22 September 2022) UN Doc CCPR/C/135/D/3624/2019

Legislation Commented On: Bill C-226 – An Act respecting the development of a national strategy to assess, prevent and address environmental racism and to advance environmental justice,” 1st Sess, 44th Parl, 2022

Policy Commented On: Canada’s National Adaptation Strategy, Environment and Climate Change Canada, released for final comment on 24 November 2022

PDF Version: Climate Racism in Canada

People around the world are facing a range of struggles related to political, civil, social, and economic justice. Increasingly, this includes the fight for environmental well-being and the need for solutions to address the increasing threat of climate change on their daily lives.

Sharing Geological Pore Space Disposal Capacity

By: Nigel Bankes

Decision commented on: 2022 ABAER 004, Pure Environmental Waste Management Ltd., Applications 1614037, 1784753, 1809825, 1928016, 1928017, 1928430, 30602032, 30608918, and 30608934 Hangingstone Project, October 20, 2022

PDF Version: Sharing Geological Pore Space Disposal Capacity

This decision is a follow-up decision to two decisions from 2020 dealing with Pure Environmental Waste Management’s Hangingstone waste disposal project: 2020 ABAER 004 and 2020 ABAER 005. I commented on those two decisions here: “More Competition For Underground Disposal Space” and I refer readers to that earlier comment for a more detailed account of the facts.

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