Incorporating Waivers of Liability into Contracts

By: Jassmine Girgis

PDF Version: Incorporating Waivers of Liability into Contracts

Case Commented On: Apps v Grouse Mountain Resorts Ltd., 2020 BCCA 78 (CanLII)

Standard form agreements raise unique contracting issues. They are drafted by the more powerful party, they are take-it-or-leave-it agreements with no room for negotiation, and they typically contain waivers to limit the drafting party’s liability. And yet, most providers of services and/or goods use them to transact with the public. Given the fact that consumers rarely read these agreements before signing off on them, how can the requirement of consensus ad idem – i.e. a meeting of the minds – be established? Anticipated or expected terms do not give rise to this issue, but, if a clause is particularly onerous or unexpected, such as an “own negligence” clause, the drafting party must establish that the other party was notified of the clause, either through reasonable notice or previous experience. Otherwise, the clause will not be incorporated into the agreement.

These issues were raised in the recent BCCA decision in Apps v Grouse Mountain Resorts Ltd., 2020 BCCA 78 (CanLII) (Apps), a case involving a snowboarding accident at a British Columbia resort. After a summary of the decision, this post analyses the concept of knowledge when it comes to unsigned documents.

This post also argues that the current state of the law does not require as much as it should of occupiers, given the substantial benefit they derive from these waivers at the substantial cost to plaintiffs. It discusses the public policy choices involved in providing occupiers such broad scope to limit their liability, and proposes stricter rules to govern these kinds of clauses to better protect customers. Continue reading

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COVID-19 and the Suspension of Environmental Monitoring in the Oil Sands

By: Shaun Fluker

PDF VersionCOVID-19 and the Suspension of Environmental Monitoring in the Oil Sands

Decisions Commented On: Alberta Energy Regulator Decisions 20200505A, 20200501C, 20200501B, and 20200501A

Last week the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) issued decisions 20200429D (subsequently replaced with 20200505A), 20200501C, 20200501B, and 20200501A, which suspend environmental monitoring requirements associated with oil sands mines operated by Canadian Natural Resources Limited, Suncor Energy, Fort Hills Energy Corporation, Syncrude Canada, and Imperial Oil Resources Limited. These decisions relieve the named operators from environmental monitoring on matters such as groundwater, surface water, sulphur emissions, wildlife, and wetlands. The suspension is in place until further notice. Similar to Order 17/2020 issued by the Minister of Environment and Parks under section 52.1 of the Public Health Act, RSA 2000, c P-37, which suspended routine environmental reporting by industry, these AER decisions were made in response to COVID-19 but offer little justification for granting such extraordinary relief from regulatory requirements.

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A Balancing Act: Re-Opening Provincial Economies while Prioritizing Health Risks to Vulnerable Groups

By: Lorian Hardcastle and Naomi Lightman

PDF Version: A Balancing Act: Re-Opening Provincial Economies while Prioritizing Health Risks to Vulnerable Groups

Matter commented on: COVID-19 in Alberta and Canada

Despite calls that we are “in it together”, many of Canada’s most vulnerable communities are bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes individuals living and working in long-term care facilities, factory workers, homeless and incarcerated populations, and some on-reserve Indigenous communities. In implementing public health measures, policymakers largely failed to prioritize these groups. Rather, many of the strategies for social distancing presumed individual family homes, nuclear family arrangements, access to private cars, workplaces that could transition to online formats, and living conditions where outdoor space was available. As a result, many groups outside this presumed norm were either left behind or inadequately protected during the spread of the virus. In this post, we argue that as provincial governments begin the process of re-opening their economies, policymakers must balance the interests of the broader public with those who live and work in conditions that put them at risk.  Continue reading

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Alberta Court Grants Injunctive Relief in a Constitutional Case

By: Myrna El Fakhry Tuttle

PDF Version: Alberta Court Grants Injunctive Relief in a Constitutional Case

Case Commented On: A.C. and J.F. and her Majesty the Queen in Right of Alberta (19 March 2020), Edmonton 2003-048252020 (ABQB) (Transcript available here)

On March 19, 2020, Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Tamara Friesen granted a temporary injunction prohibiting the Alberta Government from implementing an amendment of the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Regulation, Alta Reg 160/2004, which lowered the age of eligibility from 24 to 22 for young adults receiving financial and social support under the Support and Financial Assistance (SFA) program. This temporary injunction will apply until the Court hears and rules on the issue of whether the amendment unjustifiably violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Continue reading

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Residential Tenancies in Alberta: Evictions for Non-Payment of Rent No Longer Suspended

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton

PDF Version: Residential Tenancies in Alberta: Evictions for Non-Payment of Rent No Longer Suspended

Legislation Commented On: Tenancies Statutes (Emergency Provisions) Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 11); Late Payment Fees and Penalties Regulation, Alta Reg 55/2020; and six Ministerial Orders issued in relation to COVID-19

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Alberta government has issued six ministerial orders that affect residential tenancies, as well as one regulation and one amending statute. All eight instruments are described in terms of the changes they make to pre-pandemic residential tenancy law in a table towards the end of this post. For the most part, however, this post focuses on the two ministerial orders dealing with evictions. Ministerial Order No. 20/2020 temporarily suspended the enforcement of some of the eviction orders made by the tenancy dispute officers of the Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service (RTDRS) or by judges of the Provincial Court or Court of Queen’s Bench. Eviction order enforcement was suspended only if the reason to terminate the tenancy was for the failure to pay rent and/or utilities and nothing else, and only if that failure to pay was due to circumstances beyond the tenant’s control caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Just how civil enforcement agencies have been deciding if those reasons are present is unknown. The suspension of evictions only lasts until Ministerial Order No. 20/2020 lapses. It lapses on the earliest of April 30, 2020, or when the Minister of Justice or the provincial Cabinet terminates it, or 60 days after the Order in Council declaring the state of public health emergency lapses – unless it is sooner continued by a Cabinet order. It appears that the suspension will end on April 30. What happens to evictions on and after May 1? The answer to that question is dictated by Ministerial Order No. SA: 005/2020, which imposes on landlords a duty to negotiate payment plans with their tenants. A landlord cannot get a court or RTDRS order to terminate a tenancy (or to pay rent in arrears or compensation for overholding) unless the landlord can prove either that the tenant failed to carry through on an agreed payment plan or, if there is no agreed payment plan, that the landlord “made reasonable efforts to enter into a meaningful payment plan” before applying to the court or RTDRS. Barring a last-minute Cabinet order, Ministerial Order No. SA: 005/2020 will be the only law standing between tenants who cannot pay their rent due to COVID-19 and their eviction after May 1. Continue reading

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